Announcement of “For the Serbian People and the State” Foundation on the Occasion of Announcing the Annual Student Award Competition

“For the Serbian People and the State” Foundation, founded by the Serbian Progressive Party, has been working on numerous projects for less than two years, in line with the goals set by the Founders’ Articles of Association to encourage young people to improve their knowledge.

Apart from the Young Leaders Academy project, participated by over 700 young people from the Republic of Serbia, this time we made efforts to expand the field of our work to countries in the region. The Foundation has announced a public Annual Student Award competition for the best essay. The competition aims to encourage students from Serbia and the Western Balkans to think creatively and critically about the topics of regional cooperation and the challenges and perspectives of modern democracy.

The topics of this year’s competition are“European Integration: Mini Schengen and Regional Cooperation” and “Challenges and Perspectives of Modern Democracy.. Cash prizes, diplomas, and the opportunity to promote thoughts and ideas through our publishing activities are provided for the best three papers.

Students of all social sciences and humanities faculties in undergraduate and master’s academic studies from the Republic of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Northern Macedonia have the right to participate in the competition.

The deadline for applications is June 10, 2021. year.

Detailed information about the competition, conditions, eligibility criteria, and selection process is available on the “For the Serbian People and the State” Foundation website at

Apply, because the future is in the hands of the youth!

Bojana Radaković

Director of the Foundation

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