Today the 2022 Annual student awards were granted for the best essay about a chosen topic. The expert panel composed of Žika Bujuklić, PhD (Full Professor at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade), Branko Rakić, PhD (Full Professor at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade), Milica Vesković Anđelković, PhD (Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade), Ivan Mrkić and Zoran Milivojević, PhD (diplomat) unanimously decided to grant one first, two second and two third awards. The award for the first place went to Vasilije Marković (master studies at the University of Belgrade); for the second place, to Milan Milenković (the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade) and Stefan Šćepanović (the Faculty of Law in Belgrade), while the third award was granted to Marina Biševac (the Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation in Belgrade) and Helena Ćetojević (the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad). The awarded students were addressed by Professor Žika Bujuklić, PhD, the president of the panel for granting the Annual student award, who told them to continue along the road they had taken. He emphasized that the students, despite extremely demanding topics prescribed by this year’s competition, had succeeded in fully responding to these topics. On this occasion, the Foundation would once again like to congratulate the awarded students and to thank all the participants in the competition.

Promotion of the book “Serbian Progressive Party (1881-1919): Ideological Roots, Development, Activities”
Upon the invitation of the Radoje Domanović library from Velika Plana, the Foundation has organised the promotion of one of our latest publications, a book by Prof Aleksandar Rastović, PhD, titled “Serbian Progressive Party (1881-1919): Ideological Roots, Development, Activities”.