Visit of the director of the Foundation “For the Serbian people and state” Bojana Radaković to Kosovo and Metohija

On the eve of the happiest Christian holiday, Christmas, the director of the Foundation “For the Serbian People and State” Bojana Radaković, visited the southern Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija. The director visited several Serbian families – the Stevanović family from Lešak with five children, the Trifunović family from the village of Vuča with five children, the Perović family from Kosovska Mitrovica with seven children, and the Stanković family from Zubin Potok with five children. The director also visited the family of priest Stojanović with five children, the only remaining Serbs in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica. On that occasion, the families were given a sum of money in the amount of two thousand euros and appropriate gifts were given as well.

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