The representatives of the Foundation “For Serbian People and State” have visited Primary School “Prvi srpski ustanak” in Orašac. On that occasion, every student of this school was given a tablet because, while, on one hand, it is important to preserve the Serbian tradition, language, culture and Cyrillic alphabet, it is also very important to invest in new, modern technologies. The time has come of information literacy to which we must adjust since outdated computers, printers and overhead projectors slowed down the school on that road. For the purpose of raising the students’ information literacy, this primary school was donated the total 130 tablets. We would like to thank the school principal, Ms. Milijana Petrović for her hospitality.

Promotion of the book “Serbian Progressive Party (1881-1919): Ideological Roots, Development, Activities”
Upon the invitation of the Radoje Domanović library from Velika Plana, the Foundation has organised the promotion of one of our latest publications, a book by Prof Aleksandar Rastović, PhD, titled “Serbian Progressive Party (1881-1919): Ideological Roots, Development, Activities”.