Subject and goal of the competition

On June 4, 2021, “For the Serbian People and the State” Foundation announced a public competition for awarding student scholarships for academic 2021/2022. year.


The competition’s goal is to provide financial assistance to students from socially endangered categories from the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

Grants in the form of student scholarships are awarded as a one-time amount to a total of 25 selected candidates – students. The funds granted to selected students can be up to the amount of the one-year tuition fee of the faculty the student enrolled.


Terms of the competition



Eligible to apply for the competition for the student scholarship award are all students of the first year who:

  • enroll in the first year of undergraduate academic studies, at one of the universities in the Republic of Serbia, for the first time;
  • are self-funded students;
  • attend the entire student program in their mother tongue;
  • belong to at least one or more socially disadvantaged categories.


Under the term socially disadvantaged category, this competition implies that the candidate – student is:



  • a member of a materially disadvantaged or low-income family, according to the applicable provisions and regulations of national legislation;
  • a student whose one or both parents have the unemployed status with socially disadvantaged status;
  • a student whose parents receive financial social assistance;
  • a student whose parents are long-term unemployed, uneducated or low-skilled;
  • a student without both parents, i.e., without parental care;
  • a student from a single-parent family, i.e., a child of single parents;
  • with the status of a person with a disability, a person with a chronic illness and/or a reconvalescent;
  • HIV positive person;
  • a beneficiary of custodial care and assistance;
  • in a large family with four or more children;
  • has the status of a refugee, displaced person, internally displaced person or returnee under the Readmission Agreement;
  • a child of a killed soldier;
  • a child of war invalids of all categories;
  • a person whose parents have disappeared or been abducted in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija or in the territories of the former SFRY republics;
  • a child of a parent with the status of a civilian victim of war;
  • a civilian victim of war;
  • a victim of violence;
  • a victim of human trafficking;
  • a person from other vulnerable groups/categories that are not explicitly listed in this competition but are recognized as a vulnerable group/category within the national legislation.


Required documentation


Required documentation submitted by the candidate:

  1. Completed Application Form 1 and Form 2 (available at the link);
  2. Certificate of citizenship of the student;
  3. Student ID card or passport (read document or photocopy);
  4. Photocopy of the first page of the transcript of records, with the student’s photograph and ToR number;
  5. Certificate that the student has enrolled in the first year of undergraduate academic studies as a full-time student for the first time;
  6. Certificate of self-funding;
  7. Proof of the amount of the annual tuition fee at the faculty;
  8. Documentation issued by the competent authority, which unequivocally proves the status or affiliation of the student to at least one or more of the listed socially disadvantaged categories;
  9. Freeform student statement of not receiving any scholarships from other public scholarship sources.


IMPORTANT NOTE: All evidence of eligibility specified in the competition must be submitted in the original OR as verified copies, not older than 6 (six) months from the date of announcement of this competition.



Deadline for application and method of submitting documentation


Applying for the public competition is possible in one of two ways.

Option number 1

1. Send the package of documents with the application and accompanying evidence by mail or courier service in hard copy to the following address:


Fondacija “Za srpski narod i državu”

Palmira Toljatija 5/3

11000 Beograd (Novi Beograd)

Republika Srbija

When packing the documents, be sure to include the following indication on the envelope:



Option number 2

2. Electronically, with a complete package of documents scanned in JPEG or PNG or PDF format and sent to the official e-mail of the “For the Serbian People and the State” Foundation


The public competition is published on the official website of “For the Serbian People and the State” Foundation at The deadline for submitting applications is 60 (sixty) days from the day of announcing this public competition and no later than August 4, 2021. year


NOTES: Received documentation shall not be returned to the candidates. Incomplete and untimely applications shall not be considered.

Selection process


All applications received within the deadline shall be considered by the expert Scholarship Award Commission. The members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Director of the Foundation.

The Commission shall determine which applications meet the conditions from the Competition, which is the first condition for selection and shall then form a preliminary ranking list of students
who will be awarded the scholarship. The preliminary ranking list with the results shall be published on the official website of “For the Serbian People and the State” Foundation, at Candidate students can file a complaint within 8 (eight) days, and the Commission shall consider
each complaint and make an appropriate decision on it.

After the deadline for submitting complaints, the Commission shall make the Final ranking list of 25 students who will be awarded the scholarship. The list shall

be published on the official website of “For the Serbian People and the State” Foundation at


The amount of each scholarship awarded to students shall be determined according to previously submitted evidence of the annual tuition fee, for each faculty individually and up to the amount of one-year tuition fee of the faculty enrolled by the student.


Members of the Scholarship Award Commission



  1. Prof. Dr. Marko Atlagić,full professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Priština with temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica
  1. Prof. Dr. Aleksandar GajićAssociate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  1. Маргарета Смиљанић, председница Студентске конференције Универзитета Србије (СКОНУС)
  1. Prof. Prof. Dr. Marijana Dukić Mijatović,Associate Professor at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad
  1. Tomislav Milenković, MA, Master of Economics, Belgrade

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