ECDL Training As Support To Women In Entrepreneurship From Rasina District

ECDL Training As Support To Women In Entrepreneurship From Rasina District


Upon the initiative of the Foundation for Serbian People and State”, the training for obtaining ЕCDL certificates was organized as a form of support to women entrepreneurs in Rasina District.

ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) is the European standard of computer education supported by the leading European institutions. With more than fifteen million certified persons and the network in one hundred and fifty countries, ECDL is the most widespread standard of computer literacy in the world today.

Twelve attendees of the training, with different education profiles, had the opportunity to acquire new knowledge from the field of computer work in the period 18-21 July 2022.

The first part of the training was conducted online, with the aid of the Union of ICT Societies Serbia (JISA), which is at the same time the holder of the licence and official examiner. After the completed testing, the participants were awarded ECDL certificates proving their ability to use personal computers and basic program applications.

We would like to congratulate all the attendees on the successfully completed training and to wish them great success in starting their own businesses.

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