About the Foundation

The creator of the vision, idea and initiative for establishing the Foundation “For the Serbian People and State” is President Aleksandar Vučić. The Foundation “For the Serbian People and State” was established by the Serbian Progressive Party in October 2019. year.

Together with our founder, we will strive to keep Serbia a decent and civilized society. Every decent and civilized society is also a just one. We will advocate our beliefs assertively – with full respect for other and different attitudes. Свако пристојно и цивилизовано друштво је и праведно друштво. Сопствена уверења ћемо заступати на асертиван начин – уз пуно уважавање других и другачијих ставова.
The Foundation “For the Serbian People and State” will dedicate special attention to the improvement of political culture in Serbia, the nurturing of tradition and Serbian cultural heritage, education of young people, scientific-research and publishing activities.

Our wish is to inspire people to contribute to the shaping of Serbia’s future. In partnership, we will cooperate with institutions, political parties, civil society organizations and similar endowments and foundations.

We will also keep in mind Oskar Davičo’s words about Serbia: “I know all your faces, what they want, wear, I looked into all of your eyes, I understand what they say, what they hide. I think your thought behind your forehead in your hair, I know what your mouth loves, drinks”.

Management Board

Dejan Mihailov – Chairman of the Board of Directors

prof. dr Uroš Šuvaković – Member of the Management Board

prof. dr Ljiljana Marković – Member of the Management Board

Nemanja Starović – Member of the Management Board

Ivan Radovanović – Member of the Management Board


Tatjana Vukić


Here you can see the statute of the foundation.