Student Scholarship Awards For The Academic Year 2021/2022

The Foundation for the Serbian People and State has awarded student scholarships for the academic year 2021/2022 to students from socially vulnerable categories on October 29, 2021. The ceremony was opened by the director of the Foundation for the Serbian People and State, Bojana Radaković, and was attended by the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. President Aleksandar Vučić emphasized the importance of knowledge and a fighting spirit, along with a message for students to study hard and stay in Serbia, because Serbia needs them as much as we all need Serbia. “Please follow the path of success, and success means becoming a responsible part of the community. Be serious. The one thing that no one can ever take away from you, is your knowledge, your fighting spirit. It is the only thing that remains yours and that is why it is important that you fight and learn. No one can take that away from you. “Study hard and stay in our Serbia, because Serbia needs you as much as we all need Serbia,” Vucić told the scholarship holders. As one of its priority activities, the Foundation takes care of young people. Through the Academy of Young Leaders, which has so far been attended by over 700 young people, but also by organizing various interactive workshops, seminars and round tables, we will try to improve the knowledge and skills of young people and emphasize the importance of education. “Our goal is to keep young, educated people, doctors of medicine, economics and other sciences in Serbia, because young people are our future,” said the director of the Foundation, Bojana Radaković. Once again, we congratulate the scholarship holders on the scholarships they received and wish them a lot of success in continuing their education.

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