Scientific and research activity

Scientific and research activity

Scientific and research is the basis of all activities of our Foundation, given that it provides careful and continuous keeping up with the latest trends in social sciences and their valid application in formulating our work with young people and all our educational activities aimed at the fastest and highest quality development of Serbia and its equal inclusion in the global construction of economic, civilizational and overall human achievements. Young people are our future, and the quality of our educational work and everything we can provide to the youth of Serbia is the meaning of the existence and activity of the Foundation. Educational activity, as well as activities in the fields of publishing, organizing scientific gatherings, roundtables, thematic conferences and other forms of relating scientific and research activity to educational processes, is the basis of a well-founded activity in all fields of the Foundation.

Accomplishment of the Foundation’s plans is based on the exceptional scope and quality of scientific and research activity, with constant interactive connection with other similar international foundations and scientific and research institutions around the world, which ensures the relevance and ability of scientific and research activity to respond to the challenges of constant changes in governing paradigms of social growth and development, as well as the challenges of successful 21st century modernization.